Saturday, March 21, 2009


There is quite a bit of tension in my house. My dad says it's my mom, but it's every one, including me. Over all, every one in my family is critical. But it's almost overbearing somedays. My dad and my brother find something wrong with the food, mom is sometimes quick tempered and snaps at us for little things, and my brother is kind of selfish and nothing ever seems good enough for him. As for me, I'll admit, I'm lazy, and I complain a lot.
I feel like if our family focused on God more, this problem would go away. I'm always asking that we go to Church on Sundays, but it never happens. Yeah, we will get up for my brothers 8 o'clock hockey games, but when the season ends, we never seem to make it to the 11 o'clock service.
That really bugs me, and I wish it would change. I really wish we were a God focused family, but we're not, and I think that's what causes all this tension. But I feel like they don't care about religion at all. There are a lot of contradictions running through my family, amd I wish it would get fixed.