Thursday, December 18, 2008


i haven't blogged anything in a really long time. I haven't written any songs in a really long time. Well, I started one I was kind of liking...but I lost my notebook. Again. -_- Oh well. I know people probably don't care, and no one probably reads this anyways. But I guess it's beneficial for my sound peace of mind...which, suffice it to say, has not felt at peace or very sound lately. I've been trying to get my grades up in school, with the threat that if I don't, I will have to transfer to a local public school which is, sad to say, not a very good school. And this is our exam week. But it's pretty much over with. Tomorrow is the last day, and it's only my spanish exam. And spanish is easy. I speak it very well, and I understand. So I'm not really studying. At all. I had an idea for a book, and I might start that over break.

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