Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How I became a new person.

I had an epiphany last week while staying at a place called Maranatha in Northern Muskegeon. I was talking to a friend named John. He told me that..."If I look for the truth I will find it. I will always see the truth through the lies. And that there are somethings that we were not ment to understand, cause we're only human." (Although he said it better) And that seriously hit me. Like it was ment to mean something just to me. (Even though I'm sure it means something to someone else.) But I was thinking about it alot after talking to him. I talked to his older brother Peter, and he said that the deep thoughts about God and faith is new for John. He said he's NEVER seen this in John before. But as I thought about it, I kept thinking about the whole creation/evolution thing that I constantly struggle with. And I realized, at least for me, that everything needs faith. Even evolution. It had to come from somewhere. So I figure, if I'm going to have a faith, I'm going to have faith that God created everything. So last week, I'v decided to rededicate my life to God. And every time I start thinking about, I almost start crying. So anyways, I went back and I talked to Jon. Mostly just to let him know that what he said really really hit me emotionally and spiritually. Then I jetted out of his room, straight next door to ours, sat in the bathroom and just cried and prayed for about 15 minutes. I guess you could say I'm a newly refurbished Jesus Freak! ^_^ And you know...believing in God completely is so much better than relying on science. My thinking is...God gave us science. And plus, somewhere in the Bible it says that when God created the world, it was already "Aged." So...wouldn't that throw off the carbon...thingies? Anyhow, i think I'v finally filled the void that's been in me for a while. I feel like I have a real purpose for living now. I'll still study science cause...come on, it's just too cool. But...I'll look at it so much differently now.

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