Thursday, September 11, 2008

So much inspration, So little time! >.<

Wow, I've been so filled with musical inspiration lately, it's unreal! I seriously wrote two songs two days ago, I have a few others, and I'm writing one right now. Ever since Maranatha, my mind for nature has changed, and my mind for music has changed too. I should talk about my "flower experiance from Maranatha. 
I was talking to one of my friends that I made their. We were out side the "Sweet Shop" and I saw these little white flowers in a bush. (This was after I was "re-saved", as I like to call it.><) So I was talking to him, and staring at these flowers. Something kept telling me, 'Pick them, Pick them, see what they smell like!' Unable to hold it in any longer, I bent over and picked a little bundle, and smelled them. They seriously smelled like fruit loops! I was so happy! I said, "Spencer, smell these! They smell like Fruit Loops!" He smelled them, and he agreed. I went inside the Sweet Shop, and found John. I told him about the flowers, and he agreed with me too! He thought it was really cool. But we were the only ones that thought they smelled fruity. So I went back and picked a ton more, (I hope the gardener didn't notice...^_^;;) And Me, John, and Megan all went down to the beach. The whole time I just sat there smelling the flowers, and feeling them on my face. Sitting on the beach, at night, I told John, "These are pleasing to all my senses, except taste. But I'm not about to taste it." And he told me i should try it. At first I was like...ok no, that's weird. But then, that voice said again, said to do it. So...i did. And they were sweet tasting! It was incredible. So the next day, we walked to the lobby, cause John (and I) was curious as to what kind of flowers they were. We asked the ladies at the desk, showing them the flowers, and she didn't know. So we were like, ok whatever. So we sat on the couch, just talking, John was reading some passages out of the Bible, (which were cool, by the way) when the lady working the front desk told me she found my flower! I was really suprised, cause I didn't even realize she was looking. It was very kind of her. We found out they were called Verbena. So John was curious once again, and wanted to know what verbena ment. To see if it would have any spiritual meaning. We found it on wikipedia. We read alittle, and found out that it was once of the herbs used to staunch the wounds of Jesus after he was crusified, and they were preparing his body for the tomb!! It was so cool. John and I were freaking out! Also, superstitious people, a long time ago, would either have these flowers with them, or put them in tea, to keep away vampires. But we were so excited! It was so awesome. God does some really weird things, but they're so cool.  I just wish Megan was more excited by the flowers than she was. 
That's the page with the flower. if you look under human cultures, that's what we read. 

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